I have been in a reflective mood these past few days… last week was my “Hali-versary”… 10 years… some days it seems like only yesterday that I moved here, and some days I feel like I’ve always lived here.
I had been practicing in Ontario for almost 8 years when my father passed away. I decided to take a year off, and returned to Antigonish, Nova Scotia after traveling through India for 6 months with my mom. I felt ungrounded and unsure where to go next. This time of transition brought an opportunity to do maternity locums for two Naturopathic Doctors in Halifax … and so I walked into the unknown, moving to a city where I knew no one, unsure if I would stay there when the year was completed. That was 10 years ago.
My life has changed so positively with all the magic created over the past 10 years… there have definitely been challenges, lessons, and blessings, and moments of grace, love, and laughter. Over the years, I started my own practice, and then moved my practice… went through a flare up of lupus, a car accident, and a broken wrist… I danced (a lot!), listened to live music, gardened, wrote, practiced yoga and meditation, sang, painted, explored hidden gems in Nova Scotia, traveled, been in the ocean and lakes, and have met (and continue to meet) sooo many lovely people! I have welcomed new little ones into my world and said good-bye to two dear friends who passed away from cancer.
I have come into myself as a person and doctor, had my heart broken, and have been opened on so many levels… I have loved and been loved, laughed, cried, been supported, challenged, and nurtured by a beautiful community… I have learned to set boundaries, be vulnerable, to say no, to walk away, to trust myself, and to walk in my power and courage… I have held space for my wounds…and deepened my self love and self worth… I’ve been in the presence of Leonard Cohen during his concert, been inspired by Angela Davis, and met Buffy St. Marie! I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone – acting on a stage (the Vagina Monologues), co-hosting a retreat, creating a 5Rhythms Halifax group, and been interviewed for a podcast. Wowzas… that’s a lot of life in 10 years! Deep gratitude to each of you who have walked this journey with me these past 10 years… It has taken a village for me to get to where I am today. Thank you.